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This book is about the R word: revival! Revival is a dirty word to some, but it is such a word of hope to others. The word revival has the connotation of being dirty to some because in an ill-defined state, it has been dangled and flaunted in front of God’s people as the fulfillment of their most pressing needs. And for many, the results have been disappointment and disillusionment. An entire generation has languished in the rubble of the unsubstantiated hope of learning the secrets of God’s power.

Revival begins in an awakening, but it must end in a movement. That is the SHIFT that is taking place.

A movement takes place when our short-term impulses give way to long-term aims. It is a sustained set of principles that transform our perspective, thinking, and identity to God’s standards and influences. In other words, it is a shift to a “new normal” in God’s Kingdom. It is to become self-perpetuating, and it must reach others (evangelism).

By nature, a movement is countercultural. Revival most often occurs in times of widespread moments of scriptural moves being tattered, economic struggle, anxiety, and lost identity. In the gaps, anti-scriptural philosophies offer a false satisfaction that calls God’s eternal truth dated and outmoded with the times.

The resulting crisis is chaos—until someone shifts the thinking of the times back to eternal perspectives. It is time for awakening → revival → but also a movement. A movement does not have to be cyclical, but it can be perpetual. It is learning to live in what God calls the Kingdom.

The shift is happening now. Find out how to position yourself for this next move of God taking place now.

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