Why seminars, conferences, and sometimes even church sermons don’t work

Here’s a sobering statistic for you: less than 10% of all people who go to seminars of any kind – secular or spiritual – ever apply ONE THING that they hear Power of Focus. Even though people may spend exorbitant fees to attend a conference with the best motivational speakers in the world, 90% see no improvement in their lives. Their lives remain stagnant, while their piles of notes gather dust underneath a table somewhere.

Tina Turner theology for the win

Let me give you some Tina Turner theology: “What’s motivation got to do, got to do with it?”

I once had the opportunity to have lunch with – reportedly – one of the top 10 motivational speakers in the world. He said something to me that would forever change my life. He said, “Steps to application don’t matter until you change how you see yourself in your heart.”

This is why you see 80% of lottery winners going right back to where they started at their original income level even after they’ve won millions of dollars.

Similarly, upwards of 95% of people who lose weight on diets go back to the original weight. 95% of people earn within 5% of what their parents earned when adjusted by inflation. The vast majority of salesmen or pastors can’t break certain barriers in their lives.

Here’s what Tina didn’t know

The thing is you can never rise above the image you have of yourself in your heart, but you also can’t apply something that is contrary to what’s set in your heart. Many psychologists suggest 89% of actions are in direction correlation to your expectations. What you do or don’t do correlates to what you expect the results to be.

When you were growing up, you may have asked your dad for a raise in your allowance or for some extra spending money. As often is the case, he may have responded like this, “Do you think there’s a money tree in the backyard? Do you think money grows on trees?”

Unwittingly, he is communicating to you that some people have money and some people don’t…and you’re the ones who don’t. Your dad’s belief spoken repeatedly during your childhood establishes a lack mentality (unbelief) in your life. Someone may offer you a position to prosper you, but what you already know is “there is not a money tree in the backyard.”

How do you get principles (beliefs) working in your life to step into your destiny?

  1. Discover your self-limiting beliefs, the ones that are subconsciously holding back your ability to step out and try. Most of them are easy to recognize by looking at lacks in your life. These might include lack of money or resources, not feeling love, lack of productivity, lack of confidence, little or no joy (often looks like discouragement or depression), sickness…as you can see, the list is endless. To help you identify them, check out our Barrier Busters manual for a list of the most common self-limiting beliefs.
  2. Apply the antidote – the cure – which is the opposite of the thing you lack in your life. If it’s lack, the antidote is prosperity. If it’s fear, the antidote is love. If it’s doubt, the antidote is faith. If it’s worry or stress, the antidote is peace. If it’s sickness and disease, it’s healing.
  3. Plant the antidote and let the roots grow deep into your heart through Biblical meditation (more on that in a later blog). It will change the way you see God and change the way you see yourself.
  4. Employ new empowering beliefs. Every day, do something to step toward your destiny.
Picture of Ron McIntosh

Ron McIntosh

Ron is the author of three books and an audio series on Biblical mediation.

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Ron - I have enjoyed your book “Shift”. I am looking forward to this new book. My wife…
Beautiful post, Bro. Ron! I pray this revival continues to spread throughout our whole nation. Come like a…
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