Unstoppable – Part 2

Principles on Momentum

The writer of Hebrews says, “Once more will I shake not only the Earth, but the heavens as well.” The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken – that is created things. “Therefore, we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, so that what cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27,28).

Suddenly, I felt like I was in a Jerry Lee Lewis concert with “a whole lot a shakin’ going on.” Notwithstanding the millennial implication of this verse, Hebrews is primarily about the transition to the New Covenant. In that process God says, there’ll be a whole lot of shaking going on. Without a doubt our economy is shaken, our employment numbers are shaken, the efficacy of the church is shaken and our values have been shaken.

God’s rationale, however, is that all these things will be shaken, so what cannot be shaken will remain (verses 27, 28). What cannot be shaken is the kingdom of God (verse 28).

Sometimes we throw around a lot of theological jargon without fully getting our arms wrapped around it. So, what is the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God. Sometimes we misunderstand this as a false sense of sovereignty. People misunderstand this to mean God can do anything he wants at any time. If that was true, we’d have no lost people in the world, no terrorism in the Middle East and no one in poverty.

The fact is God can’t do what He wants any time He wants. He relies on believers who obey kingdom laws to reign on the Earth (Gen. 1:26; Psalm 115:16; Matt. 6:10). We must awaken to the understanding that obeying kingdom laws is the authorization and initiation for heaven to interfere and influence earth’s affairs.

It is this operation that makes God’s Kingdom and His church unstoppable.

Picture of Ron McIntosh

Ron McIntosh

Ron is the author of three books and an audio series on Biblical mediation.

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Ron - I have enjoyed your book “Shift”. I am looking forward to this new book. My wife…
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