What is the New Covenant?

All scripture is inspired, but not all scripture is equal. Hebrews 8:6 states, “But the ministry Jesus has is superior to theirs (Old Covenant High Priests, v. 1-4) as the covenant (The New Covenant) of which He is the mediator is superior to the old one, and is founded on better promises.” The writer of Hebrews tells us the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant in that it has innate within in it better, more dynamic promises. In fact, he culminates Chapter 8 by saying, “By calling this covenant new, He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging, will soon disappear.”

One of the biggest dilemmas we have is seeing the full manifestation of God’s kingdom. We’ve unwittingly become New Covenant believers, living in Old Covenant principles. Let’s examine how this works in Romans 6:14, “Sin shall have no dominion over you because you are not under law (the Old Covenant), but you are under grace (the New Covenant – see John 1:16, 17).

Paul says sin shall not dominate you (or tell you how to live)…everything bad in life is the result of sin—yours, Adam’s or someone else’s. Paul says the way to overcome it is not the Old Covenant (being right with God by your performance) but by living under the New Covenant (being right with God by the vehicle of Jesus’ performance). The result of being a New Covenant people living under an Old Covenant is you live under rules and regulations, rather than intimacy with God. The law may encourage you not to commit adultery, but it cannot produce intimacy with your wife. Similarly, the Old Covenant promotes, “thou shalt not” but it cannot produce an intimacy with the Savior. Guilty people run from God; intimate people know there’s security in the family. Old Covenant theology promotes what I call spiritual schizophrenia. Obviously, schizophrenia is a split personality. Spiritual schizophrenia says, “I know God can, I just don’t know if He will…for me!” It frustrates the manifestation of God’s kingdom because of fear and doubt.

I realized some years ago there’s coming an impending, cataclysmic move of the Spirit, if we can help sincere believers overcome spiritual schizophrenia by understanding the New Covenant of grace. Every move of the Spirit is a reinvigoration of a lost revelation of scripture. Look at what I mean:

  • Azusa Street – In the early 1900’s it was the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that launched a worldwide thrust.
  • Voice of Healing Revival – In the 1940’s, it was the revelation of healing.
  • Charismatic Renewal – In the 1960’s it was a reinvigoration of the gifts of the Spirit in denominational churches.
  • The Word of Faith Movement – In the 1980’s, it was faith that reformed our thinking and the manifestation of God.
  • Today, it is grace. This move is launching a mighty reformation that will revolutionize the church, much like what happened in the Reformation in 1517 under Martin Luther.

Want to learn more? Ron can help your church move into the full manifestation of God’s kingdom. Contact us to book a meeting or seminar !


Picture of Ron McIntosh

Ron McIntosh

Ron is the author of three books and an audio series on Biblical mediation.

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